
A GVSU computing student consults with Aero Med Spectrum Health staff on an iPad app.

的 GVSU School of Computing solicits undergraduate software development projects from industry sponsors for its senior capstone course. Senior computer science students in the capstone course will collaborate to develop software systems for sponsor companies. This course is intended to increase the professional readiness of soon-to-graduate computer science students. We request that companies interested in participating submit a short project proposal describing a software development project they are interested in sponsoring. Companies are welcome to submit multiple project proposals to increase the chances of being selected.



的re are a number of benefits to participating in the computer 作为项目发起人的科学顶点课程.  首先也是最重要的 important, by getting directly involved with the GVSU School of Computing and Information Systems, you help us better understand your organization’s needs with regard to the skills you look for in CS 毕业生.  这有助于我们的教师主动完善和提高我们的教学 overall CS curriculum and keep it relevant to the rapid changes that 在软件行业发生了什么.   第二个好处是 organization is the opportunity to “try out” soon-to-graduate computer science majors before making a longer-term commitment to hire them as 员工.  即使公司最终没有雇用一个或更多 students from an assigned capstone team, it gives companies an opportunity to evaluate first-hand the level of competence students 从我们的项目中毕业的人通常达到了什么水平.  此外,在 present time, given the heavy demand for computing skills, many of our computer science majors receive multiple job offers upon graduating.  的 organizations who participate regular in our senior project course develop more mindshare among our students, and tend to have more 成功招收学生.   最后,赞助一个项目是一个 good way to get that “pet” software project or rapid prototype you’ve been eagerly pushing for, but haven’t had the time or budget to make 它发生.  在大多数情况下,除了项目费,唯一的 cost the sponsor company incurs is the time the company representative spends writing the original project description and meeting with 学生在整个学期的课程.

  • 参与这些项目的学生都是本科生 主修计算机科学,通常在大四的时候.
  • 的 faculty coordinating the course will assign project teams 每个项目由3-5名学生组成. 尽可能地, students will be assigned to projects based on their specific skills 和利益.
  • 为了确保所选项目最好地服务于 educational objectives of the course, the supervising faculty member(s) will screen the projects submitted by the sponsors in 相关性和范围方面.
  • 项目必须 involve implementing a functional software system. Project proposals that do not involve software development will not 被选中.
  • Each student is expected to contribute approximately 150 hours of 在这学期的课程中完成这个项目. 项目必须 be adequately scoped for completion by the team within the 学期 它是指定的.
  • Companies submitting proposals must identify one of its 员工 to serve as its representative over the course of the 学期. 的 company’s representative plays the dual role of customer and mentor 致学生团队. 学生团队将与 company representative to gather requirements for the product being 发达.  作为导师和领域专家,公司代表 provides regular feedback and domain expertise 致学生团队.  Given the mentorship role, it is important that the representative chosen by the company has prior software project experience as 开发人员或管理人员.
  • It is expected that each team will meet regularly with its company 整个学期的代表. 这些会议可以是其中之一 面对面会议或在线/电话会议. 而 meeting frequency is not specified, it is strongly recommended that 这些会议至少每两周举行一次.
  • During regular meetings the student team will report progress to the company representative, discuss any obstacles or issues that need to be resolved, and present what they intend to accomplish by 下一次预定的会议.
  • 在学期结束时,每个小组将进行一次期末考试 presentation of their work, and deliver a final technical report and a snapshot of the software they have 发达 to the sponsor.
  • 赞助公司预计将支付所有费用 计算机学院所需的硬件/软件 信息系统目前还没有.
  • 的 sponsoring company should avoid submitting projects that are 被认为是成功的“关键任务”.
  • Ideally, proposals submitted should not involve classified or 机密专有材料. 然而,所有的学生都会这样 asked to sign an intellectual property waiver and confidentially agreement that establishes the sponsor’s ownership of all code and intellectual property generated during the course of the project.
  • 每个团队将建立一个共享的git存储库 Github.Com作为他们项目的“家” 学期. 欢迎赞助公司建立付费 “private” repository (starts at $7/month) on Github if they’d prefer 来管理项目存储库本身.  另一种方法 is for the GVSU School of CIS to establish a private repository under its own organization account, and then transfer ownership to the sponsor or sponsor representative at the conclusion of the project..
  • Sponsors whose proposals are assigned a team will be asked to sign GVSU’s standard Field Affiliation Educational Agreement which basically describes the responsibilities of both GVSU and the 在项目的整个过程中提供赞助.

If your proposal is assigned a team, you will be billed a flat fee of 学期开始的时候是2500美元.

要使您的项目提案得到考虑,只需填写 这 form. 提案不需要冗长和详细.  我们的目标是 使提案过程尽可能轻量级.

Basically you will be asked to provide the following information.

  1. 项目标题
  2. 公司名称和联系方式.
  3. Name and contact information of the employee who will serve as its 学生团队代表.
  4. 对将要开发的软件系统的高级描述 由学生团队设计和实施. 包括任何必要的 background information that might be needed in order to understand 提议是什么?. 也包括任何博天堂官方网页首选的细节 开发平台,如果有的话.
  5. 对设想的最终可交付成果的高层次描述.




Dr. Jonathan Engelsma

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